Bite Somebody, a wonderfully funny paranormal vampire novel, will entertain the reader from the first page to the last. Get ready to laugh. Celia is a riot a minute and Woodsy BO Guy is just plain wonderful.
In paranormal novel Bite Somebody, author Sara Dobie Bauer has created a vampire novel which is funny, witty, and just good entertainment. Celia Merkin is a newbie. A vampire newbie that is! She sees herself as wimpy, lumpy, fat, and far from irresistible. After her creator ask her if she wanted “to be perfect”, Celia woke up alone, a new vampire, unable to bite anyone for food, and she certainly was not perfect. In fact, she was her same insecure old self, lumps and all. She has a psychiatrist who does not understand her, a new friend, Imogene, who is crazy, and a new neighbor, Ian, that makes her motor run. Her new crazy friend, Imogene, tells her to just bite somebody. Celia wants her first time special, not just a bite for the bites sake.
Is the woodsy bo guy next door the answer to Celia’s problem? Will Celia ever realize her insecurities are coloring her perception of herself? What will happen when her creator pops into town with a new trick on his arm and new schemes?
Come alone and join Celia, Ian (Woodsy BO Guy), and Imogene as they traverse the world of vampires and humans. My paranormal novel review of Bite Somebody follows.
First I must say, I have never laughed so much reading a vampire story. Author Sara Dobie Bauer has created a wonderful feel good book that will appeal to anyone that loves fun, laughter, vampires, first love, friendship, awkwardness, and self-revelations. The person we perceive ourselves, is often quite different from the one the world sees. As a result, Ms. Bauer successfully shows that each of us have characteristics which are attractive to others; all we need is awareness and confidence to believe.
Also, the plotting and pace of the story-line never slowed or lagged as we romp with Ian, Celia, and Imogene. Imogene’s character is gruff, gritty, and insane. Her development throughout the story-line was progressive. You will love Imogene. She is the yang to Celia’s yin. Ian is the stuff of dreams and a little “out there” as he is from California. He is a man who sees below the surface to the real person.
Furthermore, the villain of the story is just that, an evil villain; conceited, evil, twisted, and corrupt. You will love hating him and his new fling.
In concluding the paranormal novel review of Bite Somebody, I found this book fast paced and well-written. Ms. Bauer included well crafted love scenes that are not graphic or in detail. Furthermore, Ms. Bauer added in mystery and included a surprise ending that will leave you screaming for the next book in this series. Bite Somebody is a wonderful light vampire romance.
In conclusion, I do not hesitate to recommend this book to anyone that enjoys a story-line well-written which includes laughter, mystery, friendship, and romance. This is an easy, relaxing, fun, book. I look forward to the next installment in this series.
Final Note: I received this book from the Librarything and chose to review the novel with an honest paranormal novel review. Book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinion. Furthermore, this paranormal novel review was not influenced by the free ARC.