Mail Order Brides of Sanctuary Book 2

In His Brother’s Bride by George H. McVey, the reader finds Greg, Glen, and Lyla’s story. Lyla, with no prospects of marriage in Philadelphia, answers Glen Williams letter for a mail order bride. As you know from Book 1, The Pastor’s Replacement Bride, the Ladies Aid Society of the church had Pastor Bryce write back east for good Christian women who would like to correspond with upstanding men in Sanctuary, Montana Territory; with matrimony in mind.
Lyla answers Glen’s letter; monies are sent to pay her way west, and off she goes on what she thought would be an adventure. Lyla thought everything would be wonderful, a fine adventure ending in marriage and love for her and Glen. Lyla’s outgoing, talkative, and adventurous. Glen’s beyond shy; cold, rude and closed off, he’s unable to talk comfortably to people, especially women; he would rather be on the farm plowing or with the animals and plants.
When his twin brother, Greg, absent for four years, shows up as the stage comes in, his mother knows there’s going to be trouble. These two have always tried to out do each other. Greg’s tired of the cowboy life, he’s ready to start his own ranch, and maybe start a family. He’s immediately smitten with Lyla when she comes off the stage. Glen, plowing at the farm, didn’t even bother to come meet the stage to Lyla’s horror. Taking to her to supper, at his mother insistence, he’s uncommunicative and rude.
Attracted to talkative, outgoing, and adventurous Greg, what is Lyla going to do? Glen paid her way to Sanctuary and expects to court her. Will Glen step up to the plate and impress Lyla or will he remain silent, uncommunicative, and cold? Will these two mismatched people, come to accept each others ways? Or will Greg steal his brother’s future bride right out from under his nose? My Christian romance book reviews of His Brother’s Bride follows.
Filling His Brother’s Bride with family dynamics, emotion, and romance, McVey’s second book in this series, will grab your attention immediately. McVey did a splendid job crafty a shy inept character in Glen. Clueless in his pursuit of Lyla, or should I say non-pursuit, he fumbles his way along; frustrating Lyla to no end. I really did not like Glen when I began this book, however, by the end, McVey matured Glen into a likeable man, as he realizes the situation and takes steps to resolve it. Glen has issues he must face and resolve about Greg, as well as, facing his clueless nature. He’s man enough to ask for help with his flaws.
I found Lyla quite a character; strong with a fierce temper, and frustrated with Glen’s attitude, she did not mind voicing her opinion. When she verbally blasted him, I laughed out loud. What a temper! Maturing from a dreamy girl, Lyla’s strength and compassionate heart will stand her in good stead.
McVey gave Greg characterists of an adventurer, searching the wild west, and seeking the sunrise over the next hill. But as he grew older and wiser, he’s ready to come home and settle down. McVey endowed him with a conscience, Greg battles his emotions, doing his best to stay away from Lyla. But when Greg realizes God’s plan for his life, there’s no stopping him.
Family dynamics play a large part in this book. McVey skillfully portrayed the competitive nature of siblings, as well as, competition for maternal approval and love. Myrtle’s a fountain of wisdom and love for her boys. A wise Godly woman, who knows her boys and their hearts. Christian value, morals, and faith play a large part in this story. However, McVey does not push his beliefs on the reader, rather faith is part of his characters life style.
I found his characters well-developed with a solid story-line, and a sweet clean romance. The emotions of attraction are intense, however, McVey had no need of sex to convey those emotions to the reader; his writing skill alone carried the scenes. A standalone read, McVey gave enough background from book 1, the reader connects with the story-line and characters immediately. I would not hesitate to buy this book for my self or a friend.
Additionally, I borrowed this book from kindle unlimited. I chose to voluntarily review the book with honest Christian romance book reviews of His Brother’s Bride. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. No one influenced my voluntary Christian romance book reviews.