A Mystery, Suspense, Techno, Thriller At Its’ Best. Casimir Bridge is not just for the sci-fi techno audience! Clear your schedule, take a seat, and get ready for a thrill ride through space.
In Casimir Bridge, Reporter Mandi Nkosil, receives a mind-blowing tip along with documentation from an anonymous informant which will blow the top off AIC. AIC is one of the largest companies in the world; the information points to their involvement in a nuclear terror plot. They are a science and technology giant with many enemies.
Mandi has found herself on the run from killers and evil men who do not want the world to discover the evidence framing AIC was the brain child of Greg Andrews. The evil goes all the way to the hallowed halls of government and the Presidency. This story starts with a bang and the ride does not stop until the last page.
Come along with Mandi as she uncovers jealousy, thief, murder, espionage, mystery, greed and pure evil. The world is on the edge of destruction. If the wrong people come into possession of secret resources history will change. This roller coaster ride will be one you will remember.
Let me first say, science techno thrillers are one of my least favorite genre of book. However, I found myself absorbed in this story from the first pages and could not put this book down. I was very surprised how quickly I found myself enmeshed in the story-line. I loved everything about this story. Kudos, Mr. Beyer, you have acquired a new fan!
Author, Darren Beyer, has mastered the skill of story-telling and his descriptive writing style was first-rate. Few people have the ability to grab and suck you in while describing techno issues and construction, Mr. Beyer has this ability. His writing style is clear, concise, and vivid with the scientific information taking a back seat to the story-line.
Mr. Beyer has everything in this story needed to create a heart stopping thriller. Mr. Beyer even added a touch of romantic interest.
The characters are full-bodied and well-developed. The story-line was intriguing and the plot developed skillfully. The plot never slowed; this story progresses at top speed leaving no areas for lagging. I found myself cheering for the good guys and wanting to help destroy the bad guys. The author has skillfully included a wealth of scientific information that I found fascinating; Mr Beyer does not overwhelm the reader but adds elements to the story to inform his audience.
I hated to come to the end of this book and I look forward to the continuation of this story.
In conclusion, I highly recommend this book to anyone that likes a solid mystery thriller that happens to also be a techno suspense. Do not be afraid of the scientific or techno aspect of the story; the author has included everything needed to grab the mystery suspense audience.
Final Note: I received this book from the author in exchange for an honest book review. Book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion; consequently, all book reviews on line under my name and on my blog, are my opinion.
Darren Beyer was born in Washington, D.C., but quickly became a child of the world. His family moved overseas when he was age two and together they traveled extensively throughout his childhood. Darren draws on these experiences to add an element of realism and depth to his writing. At the age of six, he was awakened in the middle of the night by his mother to watch live pictures being broadcast from the surface of the moon during the Apollo 17 mission. At that moment, even at so young an age, he decided to pursue a career related to the space program. In high school, he took classes in math and science.
In college at Virginia Tech, he enrolled in the engineering school and received a degree in aerospace engineering in 1989. Following graduation, he was hired by NASA at Kennedy Space Center, where for nearly ten years he worked as a Space Shuttle experiment engineer. While there, he worked on the Hubble launch, as well as numerous Space Lab and other scientific missions. Experiments he was responsible ranged from telescopes to frog life support. He conducted astronaut training, performed installations onboard the Shuttle just prior to launch, and was part of the recovery crew following landing.
Darren has had the honor of working onboard every Space Shuttle orbiter except Challenger. In late 1998, Darren left NASA to become an entrepreneur, and, after more than seventeen years, an author. He is a student of science and tech.