Book 2 In the Gold Valley Romance Series

In After The Fall, author Liz Isaacson, created an contemporary inspirational romance novel filled with emotion. We find two people drawn together in an unconventional way and forced in close proximity. Norah recovered addict, works several jobs, cares for her ill mother, goes to night school, and took over responsibilities of raising her 3 half-brothers. Working for the at risk teen center, Silver Creek Rehabilitation Center, Norah, guides and mothers troubled teen girls. As part of her program, they spend time at the Maughan’s Six Sons Cabin as a reward. Norah’s also hired by the Maughan’s to clean the cabin. Unbeknownst to Nora, famous snowboarder six son, Sterling Maughan’s at the cabin recovering from a life changing emotional and physical injury.
Nora, poor, former drug addict, and unending responsibilities is not from Sterling privileged world. Norah’s determined Sterling never know of her background, mentally ill mother, or poor living conditions. However circumstances, and perhaps higher powers, bring together two deeply hurting people. Norah feels the need to help Sterling find direction in his life. Giving him hope of a new career at Silver Creek rehabilitation, Nora drives the wounded Sterling to and from work. Nora and Sterling spend more and more time together, growing closer and closer.
Will they be able to bridge the gap in their worlds? Will family derail any chance for romance? Can Nora resolve her many insecurities? Will Nora ever be more than the hired help to Sterling’s family? Does Sterling find new purpose for his life? Will faith play a part in this budding romance, and what does God have in store for these two?
Grab a comfortable seat, my contemporary inspirational romance novel review of After The Fall, follows.
Although an inspiration romance, author Liz Isaascon does not push faith on the reader; rather introducing it with skill and subtlety. You need not believe to enjoy this sweet emotionally filled romance. Filling her pages with prose rather than sex or fluff, Isaacson, crafts a character driven story-line with every day issues and crisis’. With issues including family dynamics, emotional insecurity, mental health, addiction, and faith, Isaacson realistically portrayed life as it really is. As a result, Isaacson, skillfully shows how we each struggle daily with insecurities and issues, yet as our faith and trust in God grows, our turmoil lessens.
Weaving the theme of romance and love, the characters grow progressively throughout the book. Norah’s growth was wonderful to watch as she found her place in life and love, resolving old hurts and issues. She discovers to love she must make hard decisions and open up to Sterling. Sterling, even though from a loving family, had old hurts and family issues to face and resolve. Isaacson demonstrates with faith and determination, we can change our lives and move forward to grasp all life offers in the way of love, careers, or family.
Finally, in concluding my inspirational romance novel review of After The Fall, I found a well-written story-line, well-developed characters, and interesting plot lines. A sweet wonderful romance novel suitable for anyone who loves a solid romance story.
In addition, I would not hesitate to buy this book for myself or a friend. I look forward to the next book from the talented pen of Isaacson.
Additionally, I received this book from the author and chose to voluntarily review the book with an honest contemporary romance book/novel review. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. In addition, the ARC did not affect my voluntary contemporary romance novel review.