In I Found You, author Lisa Jewell crafted a complex story-line of intrigue, mystery, guilt, and murder. Alice Lake finds a amnesiac young man on the beach in Ridinghouse Bay. Taking him under her wing and into her home, he slowly recovers his memory; revealing a tale of horror.
Meanwhile in London, Lisa Monrose, discovers her husband of three weeks missing. Alone in a strange country, without friends or money, Lisa contacts the police; she’s told her husband doesn’t exist. Realizing she knows little about her husband, Lisa sets out to find him and discover his secrets.
Decades earlier as teenagers, Gray and Kristy, vacationed in Ridinghouse Bay. They meet a young man whose complex and dark. Much older than Kristy, he takes an unhealthy interest in the young Kristy, leaving Gray with a bad feeling. Really bad feelings, he can’t shake.
Secrets, mystery, and intrigue abound in this tale; all will meet in this small coastal town as Jewell reveals the interconnecting story. Grab a comfort seat, my mystery suspense novel review of I Found You follows.
I Found You by author Lisa Jewell, grabs the reader immediately and does not let go until the last page. Filled with twists and turns, intrigue, mystery, and suspense, the reader gasps as each new developments revealed. I tried to read this straight through, however sleep intervened as I surrendered to the Sandman. Upon waking, I immediately grabbed I Found You and started reading. This is a can’t put it down book.
Author Lisa Jewell created a first-rate mystery suspense novel. With a fast and smooth pace, Jewell, leads the readers from one twist to another seamlessly. Jewell smoothly crafted a tale converging one town and 5 main characters, inter-grading, connecting, and weaving their story-line into one intriguing tale of murder, terror, deception, dependence, and guilt. Weaving the many threads together, Jewell created a novel that will stay with the reader long after they finish the book.
Sprinkling emotion and revelations along the story, Jewell, does not reveal the crux of the story-line until absolutely necessary. Using the form of telling the story from the past to present and so on throughout the book, Jewell wove a complex story-line easy to follow and understand. The transitions were smooth and seamless as Jewell takes the reader from past to present and back again. Blown away as Jewell revealed the connections and how the characters relate to each other, I gasp at the interconnections. Amazed at Jewell’s talent for suspenseful intrigue, she drew out the story-line without wearying the reader; her talent’s evident to the reader from page one. Jewell crafted likeable believable characters and a realistic story-line containing dark secrets, then she wove it all together for a cohesive tale I could not put down.
Jewell created an adversary worthy of the title of villain. A psychopath of pure evil, yet, I came to feel a bit sorry for the villain by the end of the book. Yes, Jewell’s talent is such that she causes the reader to feel empathy for him. Portraying each many faceted character with depth and developing them throughout the story, I found could not wait to see how this tale would revolve around the characters and resolve.
Finally, in concluding my mystery suspense novel review of I Found You, I found a solid novel, well-written and well-developed with an intriguing story-line. Jewell kept the suspense and tension at high peak throughout, then added a touch of romance for the romantic in all of us. More than worthy of the title mystery suspense novel, anyone who enjoys an intricate story-line will love this book.
In addition, I felt I must give this book 5 well-deserved stars. Suitable for young adults and adults, I would not hesitate to buy this book for my self or a friend. I look forward to the next novel by this talented author.
Additionally, I received this book from the author and Netgalley, choosing to voluntarily review the book with an honest mystery suspense book/novel review. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. In addition, the ARC did not affect my voluntary mystery suspense novel review.