A Pepper Brooks Cozy Mystery Book 2

Pepper and Liv are in the last year of college; each is looking forward to the future, but sad they will part. Alec has been to law enforcement training and just returned. Things are a little different between Pepper and Alec; they can’t seem to connect as they did before he left and frustration’s setting in.
When Pepper finds a student face down in the creek, Alec insists she stay out of the case. Of course, Pepper does her best, but everyone keeps bringing her clues. What’s she to do? She fields the clues to Alex and his father. However, when two more girls turn up dead, Pepper’s has a hard time setting on the sidelines. Then when Liv’s life’s in harm’s way, Pepper is off and running. My book review of Literally Murder follows.
Eryn Scott‘s writing keeps getting better and better. Scott sank the hook in early and held me on the line until the final page. Filling Literally Murder with intrigue, mystery, suspense, and quotes from Hemingway. With a quick quote for any given situation, Pepper’s deep in classes on Hemingway with Professor Evensworth.
Scott kept the mystery and suspense at high peak and did not reveal the killer until the last possible moment. To say I was surprised would be an understatement. I never considered this person. Scott matured Pepper in this book; she’s not as ready to accuse after what happened in book 1. However, she has quite a cast of suspects to choose from until they each come up with an alibi.
Pepper frustration and uncertainty with Alec and their “going nowhere romance” is growing. Just as you think, finally the big kiss, something would happen to interrupt them. Also, Alex’s personality matured in Literally Murder. They are so awkward when it comes to the romance; I wanted to yell.
Of course, Hammy, aka hamburger, is back; along with Naked Nate, Alex’s detective father, Carson, Liv, and others. I love to read a series of continuing and reappearing characters. Liv and Pepper are at a crossroads. Pepper will continue her education in hopes of getting a teaching position at the college; while Liv will work in her father’s company many hours away. Pepper’s mother’s back in book 2, and I, must say, I like her more as she and Pepper interact.
I found Literally Murder a solid well-written book with steady pacing and well-developed characters. Eryn Scott included humor and funny repartee; I found myself laughing out loud at Pepper’s zingers as she talked to herself. Scott added an action-packed finale which sent Pepper into overdrive with action, suspense, and revelations. Filled with twists and turns, suspects galore, a romance going nowhere, I found Scott‘s plotting excellent. Her scenes transition smoothly, and with Scott‘s vivid writing I could see each scene in my mind’s eye.
The Hemingway quotes fit into the storyline smoothly; I can not say a lot more without giving spoilers. In the past, I could never get through a Hemingway novel. However, I will try rereading him. Eryn Scott created a clean, entertaining cozy mystery suitable for anyone. I would not hesitate to buy this book for myself or a friend.
Additionally, I received this book from the author. I chose to voluntarily review the book with honest cozy mystery book reviews. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. In addition, no one influences my voluntary cozy mystery book reviews.