I Love You Three is an intense story of love, lose, and forgiveness. Mac, back from several tours in Iraq where he lost his best friend Sean, now finds himself with PTSD and no job. Irrational anger, depression, and mood swings are ruling Mac’s life. Needing a job, Mac finds himself in Green Pines as the new coach and teacher; Green Pines Sean’s home town.
Julie, young mother and divorcee, works in the school office. Julie’s life is one huge conflict. A mother just this side of crazy, very little money, a son to care for alone, and a former mother-in-law she greatly loved but now ignores her and her son; all turn Julie’s life into conflict and crisis. The attraction between Mac and Julie is strong and intense as they dance the dance of give and take and attraction.
Can these two hurting people come together and help each other? Will fate step in and turn Julie and Mac’s life around? Grab a comfortable seat, my contemporary romance novel review of I Love You Three follow.
Primarily a romance tale, I Love You Three also highlights the horrors our military face and bring home with them. PTSD’s debilitating and can rob the person of their life if not treated and dealt with. Koenings does not shy away this issue so relevant today. Nor does she shy away from the issues involved in raising a child by ones self with few resources and little money.
A sweet clean romance, I Love You Three is an entertaining read. Koenings sits the hook early and reels in the reader. I enjoyed the depth of the characters, the well-developed back story, and the original story-line. Koenings crafted believable characters along with a story-line which felt real. Koenings fully developed her characters; Julie has a strong backbone, facing family dynamics and issues with strength. Mac’s a strong man with PTSD, yet he is a loving man in need of an anchor.
Furthermore, family dynamic play a large part in this story for Mac and Julie. Mac faces PTSD, family issues, and a brother in prison. Julie faces a mother who’s just side of crazy, and a mother-in-law she idolized but at the end of her marriage turned her back on her. With elements effecting more than the divorcing couple, (more than 2 peoples involved in a divorce), Koenings shows the damage/hurt to friends and family.
Finally, in concluding my contemporary romance review of I Love You Three, I found a solid romance story squarely facing issues relevant today. The pace of the novel never lagged or bogged down but was smooth and steady. Also, I Love You Three had well-developed characters. The author conveyed all the emotions and desires in attraction without resorting to explicit sex to sell the story-line. Her writing skill alone carried this story. Furthermore, I would not hesitate to buy this book for my self or a friend.
In addition, due the subjects of PTSD and family dynamics, I recommend this wonderful clean romance novel for young adults and adults. I look forward to the next book by Milou Koenings,
Additionally, I received this book from the author and chose to voluntarily review the book with an honest contemporary romance book/novel review. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. In addition, the ARC did not affect my voluntary contemporary romance novel review.