A Regency Romance

Rufus Lovell and Juliana Honeyfield feature in author Emily Murdoch’s regency romance novel, A Michaelmas Wager, along with Juliana’s best friend and cousin Audrey. Rufus came into his father’s wealth after the death of his waster brother. Falling in with a group of rowdy lazy drunkards from power and wealth, Rufus finds himself the center of their latest escapade. This wager will not turn out as the group thinks; at the center of the wager stands Miss Juliana Honeyfield. At the latest party in Hyde Park, waging Rufus will not marry the first woman to drink from the punch by Michaelmas, the rowdy bunch waits for the recipient of Rufus’ suit. Juliana’s the innocent dupe in their game as she fills her cup from the punch bowl.
So begins a match of hearts, misunderstandings, and deception, as Rufus with Juliana unaware of the wager, begins his suit. In Juliana, Rufus finds something he never expected. Grab a comfortable seat, my regency romance novel review of A Michaelmas Wager follows.
Oh, what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive! Deception always comes back to bite you; will Rufus manage to carry out his mission or loose his heart to Juliana? In A Michaelmas Wager, author Emily Murdoch crafted a sweet romance providing an afternoon of light relaxing reading pleasure.
With a plot which developed smoothly, and characters growing throughout the book, Murdoch’s tale holds the reader’s attention. Rufus grows throughout the story-line; maturing and finding the true values in life. Audrey, as a secondary character, added depth to the story-line. Even though Audrey’s titled, she treats Juliana as an equal. With twists and turns, Murdoch leads the reader to an explosive conclusion; Rufus faces the ton, his waster friends, and Juliana. What will be the outcome? Grab an afternoon of entertainment in A Michaelmas Wager and find out.
Finally, in concluding my regency romance novel review of A Michaelmas Wager, I found a solid sweet regency romance. Murdoch filled A Michaelmas Wager with believable situations and characters. Murdoch’s clean sweet read had no need of sex to sell the story. Furthermore, her writing’s clear and clean with vivid descriptions. Although a short book, Murdoch included everything needed for a solid, light, clean, read.
In addition, I would not hesitate to buy this book for my self or a friend.
Additionally, I received this book from the author and chose to voluntarily review the book with an honest regency romance novel review. Lastly, book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion. Consequently, all book reviews on-line and on my blog, are my opinions. In addition, the ARC did not affect my voluntary regency romance novel review.
Emily Murdoch is a medieval historian and writer. Throughout her career so far she has examined a code and transcribed medieval sermons at the Bodleian Library in Oxford, designed part of an exhibition for the Yorkshire Museum, worked as a researcher for a BBC documentary presented by Ian Hislop, and worked at Polesden Lacey with the National Trust. She has a degree in History and English, and a Masters in Medieval Studies, both from the University of York. Emily has a medieval series and a Regency novella series published, and is currently working on several new projects.
You can follow her on twitter and instagram @emilyekmurdoch, find her on facebook at www.facebook.com/theemilyekmurdoch, and read her blog at www.emilyekmurdoch.com