Sci-Fi, Suspense
Psychological Thriller
Journey Light Years Through Space
As an introduction to Author Andrew J. Morgan novel, New Dawn, you will meet Jake and the crew of the Athena. Interplanetary Geologist Jake Brooks, has signed on to the Athena, a Planexus space tug sent to explore planet HD 95521B, aka New Dawn, for possible habitation by humans from Earth. Earth is over populated and her resources are almost exhausted. Hence, this planet could be earth’s citizens new home. Consequently, Jake, the crew, and a surprise addition, ship out on the Athena on a journey which will take 8 months.
Almost immediately Jake realizes something does not feel right on the Athena. Crew members begin to die. As a result of the deaths, fear is running rampant. However, Jake is smart and realizes something awful is happening and someone on board has all the answers. But, who can he trust? Is the long journey and confining ship affecting his decision-making capabilities and his mind? Also, why was shy, introverted, and immature Byron allowed on the mission?
Additionally, Jake can not stop poking, prodding, questioning, and never letting go, as he searches for answers. As a result, just when he let’s go, a lights goes off in his brain, leading him to a new clue or question.
Come on a space odyssey filled with fear, mystery suspense, and murder. Will the crew reach New Dawn?
Author Andrew Morgan has created an action packed sci-fi thriller filled with heart pumping mystery, suspense, and psychological intrigue. More over, he had me hooked in the prologue and did not let go until the last page. As a result, after reading the first few pages, I knew I was in for a reading marathon. In addition, the plots race along as Mr. Morgan gives clues to the mystery and keeps the suspense at top peak. Mr. Morgan brought all the threads together and created a roller coaster ride that has a bang up ending.
Lastly, Mr. Morgan skillfully developed each character to its full potential. Subsequently, I became so enmeshed in the story, I actually wanted to shake Jake and tell him: bad things are going to happen if you don’t let it go. He appeared insecure and whiny, then he would surprise me and have an epiphany putting pieces of the puzzle together. I love to read a book in which I want to talk to the characters and give them advise; Mr. Morgan made his characters feel real with flaws, insecurities, and motives.
In conclusion, Mr. Morgan’s writing was descriptive and vivid with an easy to read writing style. Just when I thought I knew where the plot was going, I would find I was wrong. The psychological elements were well-developed. The mystery, intrigue, and story-line were solidly developed. Consequently, the ending and purpose of the mission was a huge surprise.
This is a well-written sci-fi psychological thriller with a solid story line. I enjoyed this book and look forward to more works by Mr. Morgan.
Final Note: I received this book from the author in return for an honest opinion. Book reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion; in addition, all book reviews on line under my name and on my blog, are my opinion.