Weston Beaudurant
Hero Of Western Song
Character Profile
Standing just over six feet tall, Weston is ruggedly handsome, with dark hair and weathered Mediterranean skin he inherited from his mother Alifair. His steel blue eyes come from his daddy, Wesley.
Alifair was originally from Romania and a family of “travelers,” or gypsies as they are more coarsely called. She grew up on the back of a horse. From her Weston learned to ride and rope, as well as love and read nature. He also learned to read people–something else Alifair did was tell fortunes.
From Wesley, Weston gained a life-long appreciation of books, philosophy, architecture, and building—all things of which his father was a master, though the one thing he could never abide was the veterinary trade that his rancher father also practiced. He’d gone out on calls with him since he was a child, and that was enough for him.
Another trait he inherited from his mother was the yearning he read in her eyes but of which she never spoke, the same yearning he saw buried beneath the blue in his own: wanderlust. A yearning to bust out, to be free to wander the open road.
Weston Beaudurant was raised a dutiful son and grew into a duty bound man. When his daddy died while Weston was still in high school, he took over Snowy Moon Ranch. Three years later when his Momma died, he left college for good.
A man of fierce loyalty, and deep obligation, never-the-less, Weston leads a life filled with friends and good times, especially with best friend Zebadiah Chantry, now married to his sister, Olive, Mad Bear Thunder Gatherer, and Cody Goode. Never wanting for female attention, Weston’s doesn’t lack for companions, though the brief relationships never turn into anything more serious.
Weston keeps his secrets soaked in whiskey. In the town of Wild River, Weston has been a hero since the day he saved Cody Goode from a bunch of thugs in the boys’ bathroom. He could play any sport: crack QB on the football team; best shortstop ever; three hat tricks in one season. Never prideful or arrogant. Always a team player. Smart as a whip. Weston was the person everybody knew they could depend on; the one they could turn to in time of need. But to whom can Weston turn?
If the mighty oak does not bend, in the face of the storm it will break. There is a mighty storm coming to Wild River, and it is headed straight for Weston Beaudurant. What will this commanding presence do as the winds of the most powerful force known to man begin to blow, shattering the quiet world and those whiskey-soaked secrets Weston Beaudurant lies hidden within?